
In the video on this I explain why duplicate content can be powerful.

The idea of duplicate content seems to scare people, so we thought we’d demystify the what, where and how. The video is only 11 minutes long and well worth a watch.

People Love Duplicate Content

Although most people seem to think the search engines don’t like duplicate content, the truth is that they actually love it.

But only if it fulfils certain criteria. We talk about those criteria in the video.

Please note also that the examples in the second half of the video, crafting/sewing/knitting, are all fundamentally the same type of content – the type itself is duplicated.

The reason that duplicate content works is simple – people love consuming it! If you have any doubt about that, just consider how many times fans will watch their favorite film, or read a favorite book.

Consider how many times people will listen to their favorite song – every time they “consume” that content it’s a duplicate of what’s gone before.

You can play the video full size if you click on the small squarish icon near the bottom right.

As usual, your comments and questions are very welcome!

If you missed the earlier parts of this series, view them here:

Part 1

Part 2

UPDATE: This blog post (click here) is kind of an unofficial part 4!