We have been making money online, as a group, for something like four decades or more!

In Internet time that is forever! In this email I’d like to go over a couple of the reasons why we continue to make money every month, every year and every decade.

If you look at the principles we will outline in this post you may be able to do the same, as well!

The first thing to be aware of is that nothing stands still. What that means is you have to modify your approach to online business as time, circumstances and people change. Now that is not to say that the changes are necessarily massive, but it does mean that you should be alert to changes when they occur.

As an example we have been emailing you about video creation over the past few months because it is a “big thing” and it is getting bigger every month. It would be foolhardy to ignore that trend and it would be wise to get ahead of the curve with the trend.

Those who are taking action now will see the benefits later. Those who try to join in later will always be playing catch up.

Video is massive because people are now consuming video more frequently than ever before.

There are technical reasons why that happens, such as increased bandwidth and better technology in terms of mobile devices. Whatever the reason behind it, smart marketers are taking advantage of it as much as they can.

In our own business we found that using video increased sales so it was a pretty easy decision to continue doing so.

Another thing to be aware of – and to do – is that you can and should reuse and re-purpose your content, services and products to fit different niches and sub- niches.

For example if you have content and a product to do with weight loss a lot of the core information will be relevant to teenagers wanting to lose weight as well as mothers who have just had a baby.

A mistake that we see many inexperienced marketers make is that they try to cover every niche with a single product.

Targeted focus is more likely to result in revenue!

What you should be doing is re-purposing your content and your products to serve the specific needs of the more niche markets. This is something we do ourselves by creating products that serve a very niche target market from our existing technology.

In that way we get the best use of the technology that we develop but best of all we managed to meet the needs of a larger group of people by doing so.

Another way to continue to earn money on a long-term basis is to take advantage of whatever ranking techniques are working right now. Whatever you have done in the past, even if it works well, may need updating because the algorithm for ranking is something that changes regularly. If you’ve ever created a website and had it rank well you might have found that the ranking slips over time.

Using the latest techniques to bring the rankings back, or get a boost in the rankings, means you have more site visitors which gives the potential for more revenue.
Another way to continue to make money on a long-term basis is to focus on those needs which are evergreen.

There are certain things which people will do today, tomorrow and probably the rest of time. In the off-line world it’s obvious that the need for food is not going away anytime soon and people will be buying food for evermore.

If you look at the type of entertainment that people enjoy, even now, books and music and films are still near the top of the list. These are evergreen offerings.

Do you think people will be wanting to lose weight next year and the year after? They will!

That’s what makes weight loss an evergreen topic. There are many, many more such niches.

In our own business we have seen that there is a clear and ongoing need for content. Most people are busy and don’t have the time to develop as much content as they need all on their own. They need some assistance to help them. That need hasn’t changed in the last 15 years!

We provide tools and services for people to use and generate content more easily than they can do on their own. If you think about what that means, it means that every month and every year new people trying to break into online business are going to need the things that we offer.

If you choose wisely you will be able to offer your products and services to new people every day for a very long time. Particularly if you use the latest techniques, such as creating video, you will be able to reach a target market which is likely to continue growing over time.

Although it can be difficult to choose a specific niche when you’re first starting out it is perhaps one of the more fundamental aspects of online business for all of us.

When you have chosen well you will be able to split your niche into sub- niches that give you a bigger reach on the web and the bigger chance to earn revenue and continue to earn revenue.

Tomorrow we will post part two with follow-up to the information in this one!